18 October 19 October 2025

Location map of Saint-Sauveur-en-Puisaye

The International Festival of Women's Writings, the FIEF, is born from the Maison Colette association, in Saint-Sauveur-en-Puisaye in Yonne in Burgundy, 40 minutes from Auxerre.  This French Festival is the only one in Europe to highlight the writings of women. 

The strong presence of women writers appears to be one of the characteristics of French-language literature. In all eras, women have contributed through their writings to the richness of culture, the movement of ideas and history. No cultural event has been dedicated to them until now.

Logo of the FIEF International Festival of Women's Writings

Discovering the Festival and Colette

12th edition of the international festival of women's writing in Saint-Sauveur-en-Puisaye

Colette was and still is a source of inspiration for generations of women. Through her literary genius and her audacity, she naturally inspired this Festival, which takes place every year in October, in his native village.

The International Festival of Women's Writings unfolds over two days, offering a plethora of captivating activities within the majestic Château de Saint-Sauveur-en-Puisaye, and more particularly in the Orangerie room. Meet those who are creating a place for themselves in this century, in society and in literature. During the salons, chat with the authors, and have their books signed.

Opening hours from October 18 to October 19, 2025
Saturday Open
Sunday Open

Round tables, readings, interviews, conferences,… mark these two days of the Festival, following a common thread, different each year. The Festival opens at 10 a.m. and continues until early evening on Saturday, then resumes at 10 a.m. the next day until late afternoon.

Colette: A life of writing

When we talk about women's literature, Colette's name resonates like a captivating melody. An essential figure in Yonne, the French author, known for her works imbued with sensuality and finesse, remains an inexhaustible source of inspiration for successive generations. From the delicate “Claudine à l’école” to the erotic “Chéri”, Colette knew how to write unforgettable pages which marked literary life in France and around the world.. She was able to captivate readers with her ability to boldly explore the complexity of the female soul and by giving a prominent place to the image of women in her books. An image and a place that strives to preserve the Festival, making this weekend one of the literary news in France.

Colette at the royal palace in Paris

Saint-Sauveur-en-Puisaye, native village of the writer Colette

Previous editions: An international literary agenda since 2012

Each edition of the International Festival of Women's Writings, under the enlightened direction of Frédéric Maget, director of the Maison de Colette, was marked by the presence of exceptional authors. Prominent figures such as Laure Adler, Margaret Atwood, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Françoise Cloarec and Isabel Allende have illuminated previous editions of the French festival with their talent and their insightful reflections on the condition of women. These unforgettable encounters contributed to making the festival a place where Burgundy’s most brilliant literary minds converge and by the way.

The themes of previous editions:

  • 2012 – Women journalists
  • 2013 – Travelers
  • 2014 – Wars
  • 2015 – Queens of Crime
  • 2016 – Feminisms
  • 2017 – Scholars and Pioneers
  • 2018 – Women’s theaters
  • 2019 – Orientals
  • 2021 – Canadians and Quebecers (on the occasion of the twinning between Maison Colette and Maison Gabrielle-Roy in Canada)
  • 2022 – European
  • 2023 – Colette, a woman among others
  • 2024 – Mystics, women and spiritualities

The Maison de Colette association and its director Frédéric Maget organize, as part of the “Rencontres Colette” this event which has become unmissable since 2012.

Entrance to the Festival is free during both days.

The Festival takes place in the fall, in mid-October in Saint-Sauveur-en-Puisaye, country of Colette, in the outbuildings of the castle (the Orangerie room). The village is 2 hours from Paris, 40 minutes from Auxerre and 20 minutes from Toucy.

To receive the program, contact Colette's house from July or go to www.ecritsdefemmes.fr.

It is important to note that during these two days, Colette's house and the Colette museum are open. Alongside the Festival, you will be able to appreciate the temporary exhibitions in these two sites. Further afield, visit the Bâtisse pottery in Moutiers-en-Puisaye. A few minutes away, rediscover the history of the Middle Ages with the medieval construction site of Guédelon, immerse yourself in local culture with the regional contemporary art center of Fontenoy, or live in the time of the Grande Mademoiselle at the Château de Saint-Fargeau.

Literary News: The world of women's writing

By honoring the International Festival of Women's Writings, we not only highlight the importance of women's literature in Burgundy, but also its impact beyond French borders. The festival becomes a literary crossroads where authors from Canada, France and around the world, from Paris to Manitoba, converge to share their ideas and inspirations. Each edition perpetuates the tradition of a literary celebration where the image of women in society, politics and writing are in the spotlight, thus shaping the living book of the 21st century.

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