For a weekend or vacation that changes, awaken the artistic genius within them by offering them new activities to take home! Here are some ideas…

Pottery of the Building

Get them to get involved, not in the dough, but To the earth ! In this historic place, cradle of the Cagnat pottery dynasty, your cherubs aged 4 and over will be able to participate in activities: modeling, ocher painting, raku, mosaic and even filming! So beautiful memories full of genius to bring back at home.

Arsène Jurman / Puisaye Tourism
Pottery of the Building in Moutiers-en-Puisaye

La Métairie Bruyère

From 6 years old, introduce your children (and you too!) to graphic arts, engraving, linocutting, typography, monotype… at Métairie Bruyère! They will thus make their own pictures, in this mecca of art printing which has seen international artists like Miro or Kashink.

Arsène Jurman / Puisaye Tourism
studious creativity at Métairie Bruyère

The Aubigny underground quarry

From earth to stone, there is only one step to take, like between Puisaye and Forterre. Because it is in Forterre, in oldest quarry of limestone that your little ones (and your older ones) will apply to the delicate art of stone cutting. Little advice: remember to run the cut stone under water, this will prevent you from having white marks in the car...

Arsène Jurman / Puisaye Tourism
With family at the stone cutting workshop at the Aubigny quarry

The Merles workshop

At Martine's, in Saint-Sauveur-en-Puisaye, each workshop is different! During the April holidays, take advantage of Wednesdays to bring your children to take on creative challenges, using lots of different materials! Beads, wood, fabrics, papers…. enough to concoct small souvenir items all the more symbolic because they were made with love!

Martine van den Bussche-Marty
decoration and creation workshop at the Atelier des Merles

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