
Animations et ateliers aux vacances de Pâques à la Pyramide du Loup !

Saturday April 19
La Pyramide du Loup La Ferme des Bas-Gilats 89130 TOUCY
It's our friend the squirrel!
Let's discover the squirrel's habitat and follow its tracks... From the footprints, we will study mammals. Keep your senses alert to spot a squirrel in nature.

Bees and Flowers
Let's learn to differentiate between the bee, the wasp, the European/Asian hornet and the bumblebee! We will delve into their lifestyle, discover their diet and understand what pollination is. We will then go into the field to observe a hive in full activity.

Tales and legends about the wolf
Let's prepare to write a tale, thanks to the Wolf Pyramid tarot... Let us be guided by our emotions and our ideas to concoct our own story and create our own legend! Games with riddles for the tales of the Pitchouns!


  • Culture and tradition
  • Leisure and science
  • Craft entreprises
  • cultural
  • Easter
  • Pets
  • biodiversity
  • Environment, sustainable development
  • Literature

Dates and times

Opening hours from April 19 to May 04, 2025

Admission fees

Payment methods

  • Credit card
  • French "Chèques vacances"
  • Cash

Access map


La Pyramide du Loup
La Ferme des Bas-Gilats
89130 TOUCY
How do I get there?

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